Tips for Being Productive When Working from Home

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I've been working from home for 5 years now - here are the things that have worked best for me!



video transcript:

Tips on How to Work from Home Productively

Welcome back to my series Going Remote. In today’s video, I thought I would share with you my tips on how to work from home productively. It can be very challenging to work from home, especially when you’re new to it and there are so many distractions around - like Netflix and your couch - so I’m going to share with you what works for me. I’ve been working from home for five years now, and these are the things that have been most helpful for me.

#1 – Designate A Workspace

My first tip on how to work from home productively is to set up a designated workspace in your house. This is where I work every single day. Getting a comfortable chair was one of the best things I ever did, so I highly recommend doing that. Other than that, it’s just about setting up a clear workspace with as few distractions as possible – as clean as you can make it is really going to help you. A cluttered workspace often makes me feel really cluttered mentally as well.

#2 – Plan Your Day

My next tip for you is to start your morning by planning out your day. I do this every single morning. I do it in Asana, which I love so much - I have a few videos about how to use Asana. Get clear about what you’re going to accomplish for the day. I like Asana because then it’s in checklist format for me, and I can check things off as I go.

One of my biggest productivity tricks is I will give myself a time limit to accomplish a task. For example, for the first item on my to-do list, I will say this has to be done by 10am. Then I’ll keep checking the time on my computer, and it keeps me on track and focused, knowing that I have to get something done by that time. I really believe in that law that says our work expands to the time that we give it, so I think it’s really important when you’re working from home, and when you’re working by yourself, that you give yourself deadlines like that.

#3 – Take a Break

The next tip on how to work from home productively is to take a lot of breaks and go outside for a walk. It’s really easy to get cooped-up inside all day long, so definitely get outside and get some fresh air and clear your mind – while social distancing, of course!

#4 – Coffee Anyone?

My next tip for you is to have a few things that you associate with productivity. For me, that is coffee. Anytime I’m feeling unproductive and that I’m not getting anything done, I’ll make myself a fresh cup of coffee, and it makes all the difference. For you, this could be coffee, tea, or it could be something totally different, but something that you associate with getting productive.

#5 – Make a Move

My next tip for you is one that others might disagree with, and that’s to allow yourself to work from other places. Yes, I do work the majority of the time at the kitchen table like I showed you, but I can also very well get work done from the couch. It makes me feel so much better to be able to switch it up, to have a break, to change my environment, so often I’m working from the couch as well.

#6 – Listen to a Podcast

Finally, whenever I’m feeling unmotivated or uninspired, I will go looking for a podcast episode to listen to. I’ll find something that is business-related, that is entrepreneurial, and I’ll put that on. It helps me reset my mindset and get back into work.

Those are my best tips for how to work from home productively. Now I’d love to hear from you. Let us know in the comments down below what has worked best for you when working from home. Thank you so much for watching. If you haven’t hit Subscribe yet, please do so below, and I’ll see you tomorrow with another video.

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ABOUT ME: I'm Louise. I teach entrepreneurs how to leverage tech so that they can save time, automate more and scale their business with ease. Find out more at

