6 Steps To Become A Web Designer (FASTEST & EASIEST way!)
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LOUISE: Hey everyone! I'm super excited to have a special guest here today. Paige Brunton is one of my biz BFFs and she is also an expert at helping you grow a web design business. Today, we are going to be breaking down the 6 steps to becoming a successful website designer. Stay tuned. These tips are going to be awesome.
I started my online business as a virtual assistant, which then turned into doing web design as well. So Paige and I both have similar origin stories in online business. That's how we started. Since then we've become online course creators, but it was a really fantastic way to break into the online space.
Paige, I know that you had built a super successful web design business. Can you talk a little bit about that?
PAIGE: Yeah, so I started a business for an odd reason. I moved abroad and then I needed a job. I moved abroad for a guy and then married said guy.
LOUISE: Oh my god, same story for me. Seriously, that's so funny.
PAIGE: Okay, logical reason you start a business!
Anyway, so I moved abroad for this guy, moved to Germany, didn't speak any German. I was like 'cool, I need a job on the internet because I don't have any job options here'. So I had built a travel blog before, and that was my extent of professional web designer education, but I figured that was the best skill I was working with, and so I decided to just figure out how to build a web design business and get clients and manage projects.
It took, obviously, a good bit of trial and error to do that - which I now enjoy streamlining that process for other people, so it's not as painful as it was for me to start.
So I ran my web design business from abroad, pretty much always served clients in the US, Canada, UK. I did a fair bit of travel as well. Louise and I met in Bali in that time too.
LOUISE: That was amazing - so long ago now too.
PAIGE: I know!
LOUISE: Okay so you've been doing this web design business full time. How long did you run that business?
PAIGE: A few years. I even actually started side hustling. I was doing a master's degree before I moved to Germany and I actually started doing projects like for paid clients - low paid, but still paid clients - in my master's degree. And then I was just building websites for a good few years, just that before I ever got into the actual reason I started creating a course...
I never intended to teach anyone how to be a website designer. I just got so many client inquiries that I realized it was like, an inquiry a day. And I was thinking, 'okay, one person is 365 inquiries a year. I cannot manage that'. So I thought about, do I become a website agency? Do I sell website templates? Do I teach people how to build their websites?
So I decided for me, I mostly wanted to just teach. My idea at the time was that people who would come to me for a website project, I'll just give them this course and then they can learn how to build a really amazing, unique website at a designer level for obviously a fraction of that price.
It was my first course, which I created, on how to build your own website on my platform of choice (Squarespace).
So that is kind of how I got into it and later on down the road people kept asking me 'Hey, how do you run the business side of your web design business?' That's what I eventually got into teaching people how to be website designers.
But it actually just started off with like me doing client work for quite a while!
LOUISE: Amazing. I too did some web design projects and I loved it because it was just like a very clearly defined project. It's very clear when your website is complete and done and you can hand that over. But obviously there are a lot of little pieces, too, so I love that you have taken in that entire process, streamlined it, and now that's what you show other people how to do.
That is brilliant because I was definitely totally confused [when I was first getting started]. I don't think my client process was very good at the beginning. I know that you have that down and totally mastered.
For someone who is considering this, or I think a lot of people start out and they are maybe doing something else technical but they're considering adding web design to their business, what are the biggest benefits in your eyes of why someone should add web design?
PAIGE: Oh my gosh. One, and the very simplest reason, is it is the highest paid online job that you're going to get. If you look at virtual assistants, or brand design, or copywriting, or those typical online jobs, they don't pay nearly as much as web design does.
The other thing which I loved about website design was the amount of freedom in your life that you had from it, because you start a project, you finish a project, and then you move on to the next client.
I did one client at a time, and I would do the projects in two week periods. So that meant that when I wanted to go travel, (I was in Europe, so I wanted to make good use of that), I could schedule my projects, and then know with certainty that I was going to have a week off or a couple weeks off, and I would not have any client that needed me.
And to me, that felt a lot more life giving than being a virtual assistant, where you're constantly. on call and needed or like an online business manager or something which again is a whole year round job.
So I really like web design for both reasons; I mean the income was, again, really good compared to other online jobs and the overall freedom of it I thought was also really nice.
LOUISE: I couldn't agree more.
It's like you want something that in between those projects, you can really be free and you can be traveling the world and doing whatever you want to do.
Speaking of income, what sort of price point would you say now people could be selling a Squarespace web design project for? What are you seeing across the board there?
PAIGE: So for all of my students, I do not allow them to charge peanuts when they go to take on projects. If they want to do one or two websites as, like, portfolio websites for free, fine, but after that, I'm like, 'okay, we're going for a few grand here minimum'.
So I'd say $3,000 - $6,000 is where I would say that would be your average size Squarespace website.
No branding, no copywriting or anything, just the website design. This would be for like a beginner designer.
Granted, when you get more experience and when you get better at the website designs, when you maybe start taking on like bigger projects and with more pages to the website or maybe some e-commerce added in, then my students are doing anywhere from $9,000 to $15, 000 per project.
One of my students, Freya Rose, she's doing like, I think it's like $12, 000 just the website. She makes the most gorgeous websites you've ever seen in your entire life - but that's just a website project.
Of course, if you want to also down the line get into like, I'm going to do like custom coding on this website, or I'm going to do a brand and a website, or I'm going to do copywriting on the website, then obviously your project prices can go higher than that.
So really getting beyond the 10K once you've been in it for a little while. Or, you've gotten really good at it it's possible to go beyond 10K for just the website project.
And again, typically those are being done in like a couple of weeks; two weeks-ish on average.
LOUISE: Brilliant. Yeah, I love the shortened timeline and think everyone should do that or else it can just drag on for so long.
So I've seen behind the scenes of your process - and I love the fact that you can get it done in that shorter time period - but yeah, obviously the income opportunity is fantastic for this.
Now, me and you both love Squarespace because also from the designer's perspective, it is pretty easy to work with.
So what about people who are worried about coding abilities and how much is required there?
I'm guessing that you're going to tell me that it's not required at all...
PAIGE: Yep. I'm the world's worst coder, and I've tried on multiple occasions to teach myself how to code in CSS. And every time I do it, I literally just fall asleep on top of my laptop. For some reason, my brain is not set up in that way. The information comes at me, and it does not go into my brain.
I can tell you that for myself and my students, the vast majority do not do any coding on the website. And I think that the way that I sort of set that expectation with the client is like, 'I'm going to do everything'.
It's also key because you're kind of setting the scope of a project. So I would say to my clients what I'm going to be doing, and share that what's included in this is everything which can be done with the native features inside of Squarespace.
And, of course, I've been at this for a while, so I know how to do some incredible things with just the built in features of Squarespace - plus, the super flexible platform.
Especially with the latest update, it's making CSS a lot less needed, which is amazing. Whereas if they wanted something, custom coded or developed, then that would be obviously something that I could outsource or I could buy a plug in for that. That's sort of in addition to the project price - but, to be honest, most of the time, I don't even if they asked, if one of my clients asked for something that was going to need me to custom code something, and I, sometimes I also could do it, I could buy a plug in for it or I could hire a developer for an hour to do it but I would also let them know like, 'hey, if we do this, it's going to make it a bit harder for you to manage and update and maintain this website yourself so here's an alternative which I can offer you, which is not going to require any custom coding, but gets you, like, 90% of the way to the thing you had in your mind'. And, often times, they were like, 'Oh yeah, no, I want to be able to manage this website myself later, so I actually don't want you to do anything custom coded on it'.
I've seen it a few times (it kind of annoys me in the industry), is sometimes developers, they'll just really go cray on the website and add in a bunch of stuff - but then it completely makes their client incapable later on [of managing the website], and I feel like that's not really a great service to the client.
So anyways, I can tell you that myself and my students build incredible websites without needing to custom code anything - or maybe use a plug in here or there that you could buy online for like $20. But for the most part, we aren't doing any coding on the websites.
And, again, if your client is coming to you to build a website, they're probably a little bit nervous on the tech side of things, so it's not really a great service to them to custom develop something on their website that they can't maintain themselves later.
LOUISE: Yeah, that's such a good point.
I love how flexible Squarespace is now. I mean, now it is super flexible and guys, I know a lot of them and Paige knows them, "hacks" of how you can get whatever look you want. Literally. It is possible. I mean, using the combination of the native Squarespace features, using a graphic design tool like Canva, you can create some incredible designs that look really custom, but actually didn't require any custom coding on the backend. So yeah, you are good there!
Now, we've talked about the income potential. We've talked about the lifestyle benefits of having set projects.
What would you say are the steps then that are required?
We've gotten someone on board. They are excited about becoming a web designer or adding this service to their existing business. What is the first step that they should take?
PAIGE: Yes, love that. Okay, so I have six steps for you - and I've cut this down to the fastest, easiest way to get started in web design business.
I find oftentimes people can complicate the whole process, and they think, 'oh, there's these 57 things which I need to do and get perfect beforehand', and I'm like, 'no, we're just adding stones in our own way and making this harder on ourselves'. So I've cut it down to six steps.
The first thing that you need to do when you want to become a website designer is to pick one web design platform to learn. There's a variety of different website building platforms. Louise and I both love Squarespace, but there's other things out there (there's things like Wix, ShowIt, Shopify, WordPress, those are all other typical website builders). The key is to pick which one you would want to learn because they are different enough. For example, it's like if you say you want to learn how to play music, and then you try to teach yourself guitar and piano and singing at the same time - those are three actually completely different things, and there's some overlap, maybe reading music is the one overlap between those things, but they're different enough that it's really hard to learn all three at once. So I would suggest pick one website building platform to learn and not seven - because it's gonna make it so much faster and easier for you to do that.
On every single website building platform, there are tens of thousands of clients out there for you, so it doesn't really matter which one you pick. The key to you getting your business up and running quickly is that you pick one as opposed to five.
LOUISE: Awesome, and yeah, we can tell you that we love Squarespace. We think it's really easy to work with. I've seen behind the scenes of other ones and I look at them and think 'this just looks too complicated'. While the website is beautiful, I think you can make your life easy as a designer and your client's life easy if you go with Squarespace.
PAIGE: Totally. I 100 percent agree. I have a video we can link on the different website building platforms, the common ones, and how to pick which one to learn as a website designer. So we can put that link below if that is helpful for anyone.
LOUISE: Oh, perfect! Absolutely helpful. Okay. Onto step two...
PAIGE: So step number two is to learn the skill of website design.
You can do this in a variety of different ways. You can build yourself a website, you can build a friend a website, you can build what we call a concept project website. Basically, the thing is you just need to get into the program and start actually using the thing.
There's tutorials, there's courses, there's a variety of different options, but the key is that in order for you to actually sell yourself as a website designer, or really have the confidence to say that you're a website designer, you need to build the confidence, and the way you're going to build the confidence is by actually doing the thing.
I can also talk about like how we learned to build websites; I learned it without even intending to learn it. I'd kind of done this step even before I intended to be a website designer, but I built my own travel blog because I wanted to have a blog about travel, and I just had so much fun doing it. I went into Squarespace (I compared a bunch of different website building platforms, found that Squarespace was the one I liked the most), went in and just started designing this blog. Then I would blog about travel.
Then I realized, you know what, I kind of want to give this thing a facelift - and I was constantly redesigning my travel blog, which led me to the thought of like, 'you know what, it's not very useful if my blog has a new look every month... but if I did this for other people, then I could get paid for that, and that would be a lot more efficient use of my time'.
So step two is truly learning how to do it.
You can talk to friends and family to see if they need a website.
You can go ahead and build what we call concept projects - and that's where, for example, say you see a coffee shop or a yoga studio or something, and you're like, 'Cool, if I built them a website, what would I create? What would I build?' And then go ahead and actually build out that thing just to, again, teach yourself.
You're going to learn the most by actually doing it. You can watch all the tutorials online, but if you don't actually go into the website builder and start playing around with it, it's going to be a problem. Good thing about Squarespace is that they have two week free trials, so you can go in, start a two week free trial, play around with the website, start another free trial after that if you want to, or get the trial extended, and basically you can go in and learn how to do it.
I'd be curious, Louise, how did you actually like learn for the first time?
LOUISE: Yeah, similar thing! I needed a website for my own virtual assistant business. So it was like, okay, I'm going to go in (and I discovered Squarespace at the time everyone was recommending WordPress), and I went in [to Wordpress] and - similar to how your brain felt with coding - I was like, this is awful.. like surely there's another way to do this... Then I discovered Squarespace and then I was able to drag and drop everything and quite easily get it looking how I wanted. So that really opened my eyes into what was possible even without coding experience.
So yeah, I needed it for myself and then just by chance, all of my clients that I was working with were using Squarespace so then I was able to get more comfortable.
PAIGE: Yeah, a lot of my students have done that to - and probably a bunch of people watching - they might have even been like, 'Oh yeah, at my work, or at school, or my church, or whatever, I was given the job of maintaining this website', and then they realize, 'oh, I actually enjoy doing it'.
You don't go to college anymore to learn how to build Squarespace websites. That's not what's happening here. Mostly people are learning how to do that just from their own life experience, and that is how people get started as website designers these days. It's not from going and taking, like, a four year computer science degree or anything.
LOUISE: Absolutely. Completely not required anymore. And, guys, honestly, so many of the people in your family or close friends will need a website. So I would do a little call out to just your personal network and guaranteed you'll get like five websites that you need to do.
PAIGE: Totally. I thought at the beginning that no one who I knew was a business owner, or an entrepreneur, or a blogger, or anything, like, I don't know anyone who would need a website. So I didn't go to my friends and family first, because I just thought, no one needs a website. Then, after a little while, and after I had gotten a bit more loud online and I'd built a few websites, then I went and sort of started talking about the fact that I was being a website designer now, and then all of these people came out of the woodwork. Like, my uncle, friends from high school, friends from university, all came out and were like, 'Oh my god, you build websites, I really need help'. Or even, one of my best friends from university was like, 'Oh, I'm creating a blog, I have no idea how to do the website, I just have an Instagram following' - and that's when I realized if I'd been a bit louder about this in the beginning, I could have made my life so much easier because I actually do know people who need websites. It is a very common thing for people to need these days, but I just didn't think about that at the time. I mean, all these other people, they were also being quiet about this thing they were building because it was kind of new to them and everything.
LOUISE: Yeah, absolutely. I think people will be surprised how many people in their family need technical help like this. I literally just got a message from my cousin being like, 'hi, can you help me purchase a domain?' It's like, okay, we can, we can do this.
So after they've done some test projects for themselves, taking advantage of that two week Squarespace trial, just to you know play around with it, have fun, try different design styles. After this, what should they do?
PAIGE: Next thing to do is to find a way to take a payment.
There are multiple different ways that you can take payments. You could do PayPal, you could set up yourself a Stripe account, you could get a CRM system (A lot of the CRMs have like free trials to start and everything).
I would just find a way to take payments that is like simplistic - and online, that's the key thing.
In order to be a website designer, people think they need these like, 27 zillion things and I'm like, no, you literally just need someone who needs a website, and then you need a way to take a payment from them. That is the most simplistic part of getting a client is finding a person who needs a website, and being able to take a payment.
So, I would just find yourself some sort of payment processor that could take a payment on the internet, and that is step number three. It is literally so simple, you could finish that in two hours.
Do some research, find your favorite free CRM system or trial of a CRM system (I can say Dubsado is one that does have, I know right from the beginning, the ability to take a couple of free clients or a couple of clients on their free plan/trial).
So there you go - I've literally given it to you. You could start on Dubsado. Create yourself a Dubsado account, get it set up, get it connected to a Stripe account where you can actually take the payments.
And that is step number three. It's super simple.
LOUISE: Brilliant. What I did was I just used Paypal! I invoiced directly from Paypal. It couldn't be more simple.
Again, we're talking about how to do this in the fastest and easiest way possible, and I think whenever we're doing something new, we overcomplicate it in our minds. We think that there's going to be a million steps before we can get started, and that's why so often we get caught in procrastination and we get caught in the details, whereas literally we're saying, put this out there, find someone who needs website, and get paid for it.
Okay, awesome. What would the step be after this? So they've gotten paid, then what?
PAIGE: Yes. Okay, so this comes back to your friends and family a bit.
So let me tell you a story. One of my past students, Carly, she was a bridesmaid in a wedding, and she was about to walk down the aisle with her groomsman that she'd been paired up with, who she'd never met before, and just before they went to go walk down the aisle, the groomsman asked her like, "oh, so what do you do?". Carly's like, "oh, I'd like just started a web design business", and he's like, "Oh, I just started an electrician business. I need a website". And she was like, "Perfect. Let's walk down this aisle and then we can talk after this". And so literally, like, that's what I mean by just start saying you're a website designer or that you build websites.
And just to people in your life, on social media, just in all opportunities, start saying that this is what you do and you build websites.
The number of people that are going to come out of the woodwork would be like, 'Oh, I actually need that' - like literally in the most random of places, like walking down an aisle at a wedding can be a place you get a client. So start!
There's many ways you can do marketing - and we're going to talk about that in step six - but, the fastest way to get a client is, again, just through humans in your life. So, again, just start putting it out there, just start talking about that. Honestly, it can lead to some incredible things in your life.
So, Carly, for example, she got let go of her job because they just, like, eliminated her whole department. She decided she was going to become a website designer. Started doing a few things here and there. Went to this wedding, got a client, and then is now doing like, 9x her corporate salary.
So, that is just a short example - and when I talk to other students, just the ways that we have gotten clients is so exceptionally random. Just through some sort of random personal connection, or for other people, they just post on their Facebook, being like, 'hey, friends and family, doing this thing now', and that's the way you can get clients.
So, again, start talking about it with your friends and family and that can be the way that you get your first, or second, or fifth paid project as well.
LOUISE: Yeah, we always underestimate our personal network. I do that now still, you know, I'll be like, 'who needs help creating a course?', and literally so many people in my direct personal network want to do that.
So, yeah, let's not underestimate it and be a bit louder than maybe we want to be. Okay, great.
We are up to step number five. What is that?
PAIGE: Step number five is the one which is going to make your life 27 times easier in the long run - it is also going to ensure that you don't start a business that you end up hating - and that is defining your web designer process.
So, if you don't have a web designer process, what tends to happen is the opposite of what we've been talking about. Your projects drag on for forever. It's a huge hassle. You get annoyed with your clients and that is not a good thing.
And so while I do want you to do this quickly and easily, I also do think that taking 10 minutes to figure out your web designer process will save you 12, 000 headaches in the long run.
A key aspect of you enjoying running this business is feeling like it's organized and feeling like you're guiding your client through the project as opposed to your client dragging you through the project.
I remember my first few projects. I didn't have a process. I didn't really know what that was exactly. I felt like my clients were running the show instead of me. And one didn't lead to a great experience for them because obviously you don't have a lot of confidence when the person who's supposed to be doing something doesn't seem to know what they're doing, or isn't guiding the process. Whereas, not even years later, just like a couple months in, I was like, 'okay, cool. Figured out my process' and so when I would get on a call with a client I would be like, 'okay, this is what's happening. And this is like the timeline that's going to happen on, and this is when your website's going to be live'. How much better is that?
So I would say, take some time to figure out what your web designer process is. There's a zillion different processes and you don't need to do a certain one. I did it in two weeks. Granted, I'm not saying everyone needs to do that by any means, there's so many processes. People are doing one day website builds, they're doing one week, two weeks, one month. There's a variety of different ways that you could do this, but I think the key thing is figuring out like what works for you and your life situation. Maybe you're going to be side hustling this - like I side hustled this on the side of a master's degree at the beginning.
Some people might have kids, or might have a full time job or whatever it is, and so it's fine - no matter what's happening in your life, it's possible to do this. However, it's important that you figure out the timeline which is realistically going to work for you to actually get this project done.
And that's why it's important that, like the previous times I've talked about, just start building a website or just find a friend or family to build a website for because it can give you an idea of how long does this realistically take me to build this website so that I can start to put that into a timeline, for example, and that's really key.
I do have to say... when it comes to figuring out your process and everything, I am hosting a bootcamp coming up, and it's all about a variety of things. We're getting started as a website designer, but one day we're just talking about figuring out and showing you examples of different client processes and then helping you define your own.
So, it's called the Profitable and Productive Web Designer Bootcamp. It's coming up October 17th, 18th, and 19th. It is live. So, if you're watching this video before that date, then click the link below and you can register.
And, if you're watching this later, I do have some resources on my YouTube channel about defining the process and everything.
But again, if you're watching this before the 17th, 18th, 19th (of October 2023) then click the link above to get registered for that bootcamp.
LOUISE: Yeah. Amazing. Paiges bootcamps are so good you guys. So absolutely click the link above to sign up for that.
And that brings us to our very final step!
Very curious to see what this is because I also have some ideas for people on how they can get some clients speaking from personal experience here in Panama. So dive into step six and then I'm going to add that on!
PAIGE: So, step number six is also about finding clients, but beyond your family and friends.
So, step number six is to pick a marketing strategy which would actually fit to you and which you would actually enjoy.
When I started as a website designer, everyone was talking about Instagram. And they're like, Instagram is this amazing visual medium, and it's the way I get all my clients, and if you're a website designer, you have to be on Instagram. So I tried forcing myself into Instagram and I was like, I just don't like it. I just don't want to show up on this platform every day. I don't really like this. So I was not a fan and I felt really stuck because that's what everyone was saying; that's the way that all the successful designers got their clients and it wasn't really for me.
I decided instead to blog and, blogging was what led me to getting the inquiry a day and it was super successful for getting clients.
I think the moral of the story here is, if you don't want to blog, you don't need to blog. If you don't like Instagram, you don't need to do Instagram. There are literally a zillion different marketing strategies, and it's about finding one which you would enjoy doing, and then actually implementing that strategy.
I should also clarify: you don't want to pick five marketing strategies. I totally did that at the beginning. I just tried every single day doing a new marketing strategy because I just had no clue what I was doing and I didn't get momentum in any of them and I think that's a real issue. So picking one, maybe two marketing strategies, and then actually implementing those things would be really key - and at the bootcamp we're also gonna have a whole day where we talk about the different marketing strategies, the different options, and everything related to that.
So it's about basically picking one, maybe two marketing strategies, and really going hardcore and implementing that.
Again, if you don't want it to be a blog, if you don't want it to be Instagram, no problem. There's a zillion different other options, but at some point you will exhaust your family and friends - and of course sometimes you get referrals from those people when someone else goes and visits their website - but really doing something that you actively pursue, I think is really key.
LOUISE: Yeah, and something Paige and I talk about behind the scenes when we're having our biz strategy sessions is that you have to give a strategy time to work. So what happens often at the beginning is we're jumping from strategy to strategy, thinking that it's not working when really you got to stick with one for a little bit of time.
I'm often seeing results like three months later from when I actually do the thing. So keep that in mind and just really try and follow through on the strategies that you pick.
PAIGE: I cannot describe how much I agree with that statement.
If there's one thing I've learned in business for almost 10 years, it's literally sticking to one thing for a really long time is what leads to insane growth.
I know that that sounds so exceptionally boring, but there's a reason why every single business person ever is like, "consistency is important". That sounds annoying, but yes, it's also true. We can both fully vouch for the fact that that is true, and that's why I'm saying don't pick five marketing strategies and switch between them constantly - pick one and just keep going at it.
LOUISE: Exactly. See the strategy through, give it time to actually work.
The one thing I wanted to add on the marketing front is that you would be surprised how many businesses do not have websites. You would think it's 2023, all the businesses around you (all the local businesses around you will have effective websites) and they do not.
So, for example, I live in Panama and there are all these businesses down here that do not have a web presence. And I'm like, 'what's happening, everybody?' as I'm trying to get things done in my life.
So I think, you know, looking at the businesses around you and you can simply reach out to those businesses and be like, Hey, I noticed that you don't have a website, here's my solution'.
PAIGE: Amen. Absolutely. It's so true. And so, I actually was just reading a stat recently, I think it's 25% of businesses in the US alone don't have a website at all yet. So that's 25 percent of businesses - small businesses - which need websites. Not to mention, websites start looking at a date after like, 2-3 years, so you kind of need to redesign them fairly frequently.
And so, even people who do have websites right now, but they're looking a little either visually not up to date, or like technically not really with the times.
I'm in Switzerland now, I was looking to book a massage... You have to call all of them. I'm like, why is there no appointment booker on your website? This drives me up a wall!
So yeah, definitely in the US there's plenty of small businesses that still need websites, but even still... You go outside of the US, an unbelievable number of places with just painfully awful websites or no website at all.
LOUISE: Yeah, exactly. And as you said, when they are outdated, it's so obvious. It looks so bad. Then you're just making judgments about the business just because they have this updated website.
So I think there's a lot of opportunities still in this space - and hopefully this has opened your eyes to the possibility of website design and what that can do for you in your life!
If so, then absolutely go and sign up for pages bootcamp. It's an amazing week, so I want you to go there and get started and go down this journey of adding web design to your business.
PAIGE: Yeah! And at bootcamp, FYI, you need to come live because we do the ultimate web designer starter kit giveaway for those who come live! Basically it's all the tech, all the tools, all the contracts that you need to get started as a website designer. It's worth $1, 000 and one lucky bootcamper goes home with it.
So again, click the link below and we would love to see you at Bootcamp. It is live, so if you're watching this right now, go check if it's happened yet or not.
LOUISE: Well, Paige, thank you so much for coming and sharing all your advice.
Guys, Paige and I have been friends for ages now. This is a lot of our years experience in doing this and coming up with these processes. So I'm excited for you to go to the bootcamp, see what those are, figure out what your marketing strategy will be and start your web design journey!
6 Steps to Becoming a Web Designer (Summary)
Step 1: Pick one web design platform to learn 💻
Step 2: Learn the skill of website design 💡
Step 3: Find a way to take a payment 💵
Step 4: Start talking about it with your friends and family 💬
Step 5: Define your web designer process ✍️
In this video, I share a side-by-side comparison of the two most popular video and screen recording tools, Loom and Descript, to help you decide which one is right for you.