5 Ways to Be More Productive for Entrepreneurs
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Here are 5 simple ways to get more organized, increase your productivity & hit your biggest goals! 💪
video transcript:
5 Ways to Be More Productive for Entrepreneurs
Welcome back to my channel. Today, I want to talk all about productivity. I absolutely love this subject. I love seeing what is working for other people in terms of productivity, organization, and hitting their biggest goals. I thought I would share with you 5 simple productivity tips that have been working for me lately, that hopefully will be really helpful to you as well.
If you’re new here, I’m Louise of Louisehenry.com (formerly Solopreneursidekick). I put out new videos every single week to help you create a successful online business, so if that is something you’re looking to do, definitely hit Subscribe down below, and hit that Bell notification as well so that you get notified every time I post a new video. Because I’ve recently gotten so into productivity, expect a lot more videos on this subject coming soon.
Let’s dive into the 5 simple strategies that have been really making a difference in my life lately.
#1 – Are You a Morning Person?
My first of my productivity tips for you is to figure out when your brain works best and save your hardest work for then. For example, I’m a morning person, so it makes most sense for me to wake up and tackle the hardest work first, and then, as my brain gets less and less productive, I can deal with the more administrative tasks in my business. So, I wake up every single morning and I’m tackling something that is going to move my business forward and help me achieve my biggest goals. I think it can work no matter when your brain works best, but I will put in a little argument here for becoming a morning person. I wasn’t always – I didn’t think it was possible for me - but I really do love getting an early start and getting that important work done first. I do think there are benefits to that as well, so maybe you can also try becoming a morning person.
#2 – Ditch the Planners
The next one on my list of productivity tips is hard to say and one that you might not want to accept – and that is getting rid of all of your beautiful planners and notebooks. I know I love them, trust me – I was obsessed for so long. I had my books, my planners, my cute post-its - I know that it looks like I don’t have a point here because I have so many post-its on my wall, but that is something different – that is not organization.
Using these for getting organized – what was happening for me was that I was constantly having ideas, writing down notes, putting them in my notebook, and then losing them. So, I did, unfortunately, say goodbye to my beautiful planners and now I’m 100% digital - and it has honestly made such a huge difference. I feel ten times more productive because everything is digital. I’m never losing ideas and I know that everything is a quick search away. Maybe this is something you’ve been struggling with as well – you feel scatterbrained and feel like your ideas are all over the place in different notebooks – or even it’s just the fact that you’re not actually going back through your notebook and utilizing all those ideas – so if this is you, maybe you’re going to want to go digital as well. For tools, the one that I recommend is called Asana. I am in love with this software, and I’m definitely going to do more videos on it. Actually, on Thursday, I’m going to post a video as to why I left Trello for Asana, so make sure that you subscribe so that you don’t miss that video. Asana is this entire online project management system that will entirely revolutionize the way that you work, so I’d highly recommend giving it a try – even though it might be hard to say goodbye to the cute notebooks.
#3 – Big Goals, Small Tasks
The next one on my list of productivity tips is to take your big goal and divide it into small, specific tasks. Then, on top of this, give a due date for each of those smaller steps along the way, so that they more so act like milestones. Before, I would set a big goal and I would put a due date that I wanted to achieve it by, but that was kind of it. So now, every single project is broken down, and I know exactly what I need to be doing each day, each week, in order to make that goal happen. This has been huge. It also means that I’m less stressed out. I feel like overwhelm and procrastination really stem from confusion, so if you can get it where you know exactly what you need to do every single day to be on track, to hit your goals, it’s going to make work a whole lot less stressful. Take your biggest goal, break it down, and actually put those mini steps on your calendar.
#4 – Template Everything
The next on my list of productivity tips is for you to template everything. If you are doing something again and again, then you need to template it. For example, if you are blogging every single week, then you have a process and you have steps that you need to follow every time you do that task. What I would do is I would create a checklist for this. I would template it, and then every time you have to create another blog post, all you have to do is duplicate that template and follow it again. This is easily do-able in Asana. Then you don’t need to waste time recalling what it is that you need to you. I feel like that’s a lot of brain energy, figuring out what you need to do next, organizing things - cut that out as much as possible by templating whatever you can in your business.
#5 – Use Asana’s Calendar View
Finally, the last of my productivity tips for you is to keep Asana open and check it multiple times throughout the day. One of my best productivity hacks for you is Asana’s Calendar view. This is going to make it so easy for you to view exactly what you need to do each day. You can order it by the time that you’re going to do things, and you can check it off as you go, which just gives me that real sense of accomplishment as I’m going throughout my day. Use this as your home base to keep you on track, and make sure that you are checking in so that you’re not actually missing anything.
There you have it – those are the 5 productivity tips that have been really working for me lately. Now I would love to hear from you. What has been working for you to make you more productive and organized in your business? Are you going to try and implement any of these tips? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and if you liked this video and you would like to see more productivity videos here on this channel, let me know by giving this video a thumbs up. Don’t forget to hit Subscribe and I will see you real soon with another video. Thank you so much for watching.
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