5 Reasons to Organize Your Business NOW!
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Here's why you need to take action and organize your business right now! (hint hint: it can make a HUGE difference).
video transcript:
5 Reasons to Organize Your Business NOW!
In today’s video, I want to share with your 5 reasons to organize your business right now.
Reason #1 - Automate Those Tasks
The first reason to organize your business is that it’s very likely that you are doing tasks, right now, that could actually be automated. What I recommend you do is do an audit of your existing business. What tasks are you doing every single day? What is taking up a lot of your time? Are there smaller tasks that you could possibly automate? I think it’s very likely that you will find some ways to speed up your workflows and therefore save you a whole lot of time.
Reason #2 - Stop Wasting Time
The next reason to organize your business is that you might be wasting time. If you are always trying to remember what the next step in your workflow is or if you are always trying to find files, then there are definitely some time-wasters in your online business that need to be addressed. By organizing your online business, you’re not just clarifying things for you, so that you know exactly what you need to do for all of your workflows and systems, but you’re also going to be organizing your files as well.
Personally, I was terrible at this for so long, but now it is just the best feeling ever when I actually know where files are, and I have a system for the most recent updated version of that file. All you designers out there – you know what I mean – you have files that say this is my “design one”, “design final”, “design final final”, “design real file” – it just goes on - you get the idea. So, while it does take time to organize your business, you’re going to save yourself so much time in the long run.
Reason #3 - You’re Getting Busier
The next reason to organize your business is because it’s only going to get busier. If you are feeling frazzled and overwhelmed with things as they are right now, imagine how it’s going to be once you start getting a lot more clients and your audience is growing a lot faster. For that reason, be proactive. Know that your success is inevitable – I truly believe that. So, in that case, take it seriously and organize your business now, so that you are ready for when all that success comes your way.
Reason #4 - Get Some Help
Next is because you can’t do it all alone. If your business is disorganized, then it’s very likely that everything is falling on your shoulders. It can be difficult to outsource when your business is a bit of a hot mess. Know that you cannot do it all alone. Maybe you even know that you’re there now – you know that you’re overwhelmed, you’re doing too much and you’re working too many hours each day. You have a feeling you should get some help, so definitely bring in a bit of assistance - even if it’s just 5-10 hours a week to start. But, in order for you to do that, you need to first get your business organized and know exactly what tasks you would be giving this person that you’re going to hire - you want to make their life easier too. Back to one of our other points – you want to make their life easier and you want them to be able to find any file or template that they might need. Make it easy for future hires to come in and join your business and help you out.
Reason #5 - Drive Your Business Forward
Finally, it’s so that you can focus on the work that really matters and drives your business forward. It is so easy to get caught up in the smaller tasks of running a business, because there’s so much to do. There’s no denying that there are so many things that we could be doing, and it’s very easy to get caught in “busy” work that is not actually revenue-generating for your business.
By organizing your business, you’re going to figure out what you can automate, you’re going to be able to outsource easier, you’re going to save yourself so much time because you actually know where everything is, and you have all of your workflows documented. That’s really what I want for you – I want you to be able to focus on growth and on making your biggest goals for your business happen. Organizing really is just one of those essential things that you have to do.
If you’re thinking, this sounds great, but how do I get started? Make sure that you hit Subscribe, because in my next video I’m going to be walking you through how to actually organize your business. This video was all about why it matters – hopefully I have convinced you – let me know in the comments down below if I’ve convinced you that this is important and is really going to help your business grow. In my next video, I’m going to share with you how to actually make this happen.
Make sure you are subscribed, and I will see you real soon with that video.
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