New Instagram Updates 2021 (Instagram Collab & More)
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Super pumped about these new Instagram updates! These 3 Instagram features are especially helpful for small business owners!
Follow me on IG: @louisehenry
In today's video, I wanted to share with you some exciting new Instagram updates that I think you will love. If you're new here, Hi! I'm Louise. 👋 Here on this channel, I talk all about building an online business. If that is something you are doing, definitely hit subscribe down below! 👇🎉
Link Sticker
The first of the Instagram updates is the link sticker. 🔗 The link allows you to add a little sticker to your Instagram stories and link people from Instagram to your website or wherever you would like them to go. This is fantastic news because up until this point, we only had the swipe up feature (and that was only available to those that had 10,000 followers or more). I absolutely love this for all my small business owners out there. You can now use the link sticker and you can send people to your website and therefore make more money 💰 from your efforts on Instagram.
All you have to do to use this is grab your phone and go ahead and post an Instagram story.
-I’m gonna select story and then post a story. Let's just do an image for now.
-Then I'm gonna click the little sticker icon.
-Then you will now see link. Now, I've been told that it is visible for all accounts now. So if it's not, go and update your Instagram, and that should make it visible. If not, I would just expect that it is being rolled out to you.
-Next you’re gonna click on the little link icon. From here, you can go ahead and paste in your URL. You can send this to your website. You could send it to your YouTube channel. Wherever you want it to go. I'm just going to send this to my website,
-Hit done, and now it's going to be a little link sticker. You can move it around and you can also tap on it to change the color. And that's it!
Then if you want, you can also add a little GIF so that people know to actually click it.
-Again, let's go into stickers.
-This time, hit GIF and I'll do something like “click here”. You can see what's available, and make it obvious that I want people to actually click the link. That is the link sticker: wonderful news! 🙌 As I said, great Instagram updates for small business owners out there.
Post from Desktop 🖥
The next of the Instagram updates is that you can finally post directly from your desktop. This is my Instagram account. If you're not following me yet, come and do that. I share lots about behind the scenes of building an online business, plus lots of my cute puppy, Charlie. 🐾
-To post from desktop, all you have to do is go up here to the plus sign (top right), click on that.
-Then you can either drag your photos or videos here, or you can hit select from your computer. I have this little example post here. Let's open that up.
-So you can crop it on here (bottom left). You can also decide the dimensions here to make it perfect.
-If you wanted to add multiple photos, you could go ahead and do that there (bottom right).
-Then I'm gonna hit next.
-You'll see filters and adjustments, just like you would on mobile. Going to hit next.
-Then you can go ahead and write your caption, and it’s as simple as that for you to now add your photo from desktop!
-Just hit share.
Instagram Collabs
The final update I wanted to share is the brand-new Instagram Collabs feature. This is really cool because you can share a post, but it will actually appear on two profiles at the same time. It will show both of your usernames, therefore reaching both audiences. I think this is a really great strategy for grow your reach on Instagram and get your profile more exposure. 👀
I asked my team member ❤️Taylor❤️ to help me out in demoing this one. We thought we could do a post all about working as a team on our huge new tools post. I have a little boomerang here of our team and a post that we've written. I'm going to share this, but I'm going to add Taylor as a collaborator. It's also going to show up on her account!
I'm going to open up Instagram and post a regular feed post.
-I’m gonna click on the plus sign at the top of my profile.
-Then select post and find that boomerang. 🪃
-Then I'm gonna hit next.
-Continue as a post.
-And if I wanted to, I could add a filter.
-Then I'm gonna hit next and paste my caption.
-Then I'm going to click tag people.
-I’m gonna click that and now you will see the option to invite collaborator. I'm going to click on that and then I'm gonna search for Taylor. There she is! 👋 As you can see, if she accepts, your post will be shared to their followers and they'll be shown as an author on the post.
-So I'm gonna hit done.
-And I'm going to go ahead and share that. Now we just need her to accept our request.
Taylor said that it came in as a notification for her. She has accepted it and now you can see exactly what that looks like. We are both listed as authors, which looks amazing. And now if we go and click on her profile, you'll see that that post is visible on her profile as well. I absolutely love these Instagram updates, and I can see you using them a lot in your business.
So those are the three most important Instagram updates I wanted you to know about, and I hope that you found this video helpful. If you did, let me know by giving it a thumbs up 👍 share a comment down below and don't forget to hit subscribe. Thank you so much for watching today's video and I'll see you real soon with another one! ✌️
In this video, I share a side-by-side comparison of the two most popular video and screen recording tools, Loom and Descript, to help you decide which one is right for you.