My Favorite Things Right Now (Online Business Owner)
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Here's a collection of my favorite things of the moment!
video transcript:
My Favorite Things Right Now (Online Business Owner)
I’ve got a list here of all my favorite things of the moment, and in today’s video, I’m going to share them all with you. We’re talking podcasts, books, iced coffee - all different categories for the online business owner.
If you’re new here, I’m Louise of Here on this channel, I talk all about building an online business, so if that is something you are doing, make sure to hit Subscribe down below.
#1 – Podcast
The first one I want to share with you is my favorite podcast of the moment – and that is the Hello 7 Podcast by Rachel Rodgers. This podcast is fantastic – I’m super into money mindset right now and she talks all about building to the seven-figure point and beyond in your business. Episodes include Million Dollar Focus, How to Manifest Massive Money and Fantastic Interviews with Seven-Figure Business Owners. If you're an online business owner and want to make seven figures, improve your money mindset, and hear from people who are out there doing it right now, you’re going to want to give this a listen.
#2 – Coffee
For my second favorite, I need to take you to the fridge. This brand here – Califia Farms - their iced coffee – I have the Vanilla Latte style and the Expresso. I’m obsessed – absolutely love it – it’s delicious. For all my coffee lovers out there, give this brand a try.
#3 – Microphone
My third favorite thing is this microphone right here. I think the sound is so great – hopefully you think that as well. It was a really big quality improvement from my last microphone. This is the Shure SM7B microphone, and it’s really allowed me to improve the sound quality for my YouTube videos as well as any webinars that I’m doing, podcast interviews, or my course videos. It is a more expensive microphone, but I do feel the investment is worth it, and it’s actually made work a lot easier for me because it doesn’t pick up the background noise. No matter what’s happening around me and outside, I can still get my filming done. The only issue with this one is that I do have to be quite close to it, so therefore it is in the shot. That might be a deal-breaker for you, if you don’t like the appearance of this, but for me, since I’m just sitting here and teaching mostly, I’m happy with the setup.
#4 – iPad
My next favorite thing is my new iPad. I love it. I got by for a long time with just my MacBook and my iPhone and didn’t really feel the need for the iPad, but I do love having this as well. I am super-nerdy though, and I’m only using it right now for two main purposes. The first is to use Asana. Asana is my favorite project management system that I use to organize my entire business and life, and the app just looks so great on the iPad. For example, here’s what the My Task view looks like on the iPad. I just love it – it makes me feel so organized - and I can just go through my to-do list and check things off. So, I’m using it to organize my life and stay on top of my to-do list. The second thing I’m using my iPad for is to read books on Kindle. I love the fact that, as I’m reading a book, I can highlight sections that I want to remember and that speak to me most. Then I can click on this button here and refer back to all of the different sections that I’ve highlighted, so it really saves for you a summary of the most important parts of the book.
#5 – Books
Now let’s talk about what I’ve been reading. I recently read Rich As F*ck: More Money Than You Know What to Do With by Amanda Frances, and I loved it. So, again, money mindset. I really love Amanda’s approach to a few things that go against traditional financial advice that you would receive, and I think it’s a lot more empowering and what I chose to follow. So, I finished that one and now I’m currently reading The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, which is all about your upper limit problem and the way that we self-sabotage ourselves as we start to get close to our upper limit. Super interesting so far for me as an online business owner, and I’m really enjoying it.
#6 – Positivity Boost
The next thing is something that our newest team member, Taylor, decided to do, and that is a weekly positivity roundup. She is our customer support specialist, so she is helping with our emails, DMs, comments, etc. What she does is she goes through and screenshots all of the really positive comments that you guys are so lovely to leave for us and makes sure that the entire team sees these. Every single Friday she drops this into our Slack channel, and we can all see your positive comments and the way that our work is positively impacting your life, which is our number one goal. Shout out to Taylor, I really love this boost of positivity at the end of the week.
#7 – TikTok
My next favorite… now this one is a love-hate relationship, and it is TikTok. TikTok is addictive. If you’re on it, you know this. It is completely addictive, and you can spend hours upon hours scrolling, so that is not great. However it is a really creative platform, so I have been using it for my content inspiration. I just love the style and I feel like everyone is being super-creative with it. So I go through it and any of the videos that I’m liking, I’m liking because that’s something I want to refer back to and that I find inspiring. Or maybe I just love the song and I want to use that song in one of my reels or TikToks. I actually haven’t posted any TikToks at all yet, but I do plan on repurposing the reels that I make and adding those to TikTok as well.
I think it’s a great platform and the algorithm-potential right now for an online business owner is huge, so if you’ve been thinking about it, get on TikTok. As you can see, this is just personal for me. I’m the only one that can see the videos that I’ve liked, and really it’s just a collection of videos that I’ve found inspiring in some way or another, and sometimes it’s the smallest detail that I like – like a shot that someone has done for example. It’s been really helping creativity.
#8 - Slack
The next tool I’ve been really appreciating lately as an online business owner is Slack. Slack is what we use to communicate as a team. Think of it as like Instant Messenger, but for business-related purposes. We’ve done a few really fun things here. For example, we’ve set up an automation which notifies us every time we get a sale. It just notifies us across the top of our screen – this is a notification that all our team members get - and it comes on in, and it has the confetti emoji, and it just makes you feel so great.
The next thing we’ve been doing in Slack is making use of sending each other GIFs more and more, because why not? That just makes your workday more fun. I would say our Slack is quite the positive place, from the weekly positivity roundup that we get to all the sales notifications coming in and knowing that new students are joining us in our programs, and then going back and forth talking through ideas and sending each other GIFs. It’s a really great tool for teams.
#9 – AirPods Pro
My final favorite is one that I avoided for a while. I didn’t think that I really needed it – I was fine with my other headphones, but since I have gotten the AirPods Pro, I’ve questioned what I was doing before. These are life-changing, and it makes such a difference to not have the cord. You think that it’s just a simple thing, but it really is very freeing to be able to have these headphones in and be listening to something - it’s got really great sound where it blocks out all of the background noise, so you get that - and then you can be on your computer and then decide that you’re going to get up and go do something and take whatever you’re listening to with you. If you’re like me, and you’ve been avoiding getting them, give them a try. I think you’ll love them.
So those are my favorite products of the moment for the online business owner. I hope that this was helpful and interesting for you. I would love to hear something that you’re obsessed with right now, so drop that in the comments for me and let me know.
Thank you so much for watching this video. If you liked it, let me know by giving it a thumbs up. If you haven’t subscribed yet, go ahead and do that now, and I will see you real soon with another video.
In this video, I share a side-by-side comparison of the two most popular video and screen recording tools, Loom and Descript, to help you decide which one is right for you.