How I Posted 30 Videos in 30 Days
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Recently, I posted 30 videos in 30 days. Here's how I did it!
video transcript:
How to Create Video Content - How I Posted 30 Videos in 30 Days
Welcome back to my channel. In this video, I’m going to talk about how to efficiently create video content. Recently, we posted 30 videos in 30 days. It was quite the challenge, but we managed to do it. In today’s video, I’m going to share with you what we did right and what we did wrong, in the hope that you can learn from this experience, and you can put yourself on your own challenge as well.
The video series was all about how to work remotely and bring what you are doing offline into the online world. If you are interested in that series, I’ll leave a link in the description below and you can watch those after this video.
Back to the challenge. I’m going to start with what we did right, and then I’m going to break down what we did wrong – because there was a lot!
Make It Official - Take On A Challenge
The first thing that I did that really worked was put myself on a challenge. I made it official. I said I’m going to take on this challenge and I’m going to complete it, no matter what. I’ll often do this with various things in my business and life. I’ll just assign myself a challenge and, because I’m making it official, I’m more likely to actually follow through and complete it. That’s the first thing. Decide on the challenge that you want to complete. I would recommend making it a shortish timeframe and then something that you have to do daily as well. I would love to hear from you - let me know in the comments down below what you decide your challenge is going to be.
The goal here is to take it really seriously and decide that you’re going to create video content and post it, no matter what. For us, this meant that some days were super hard. I had left it way too late in the day and so I was scrambling last minute to put a video together, to get it edited, and uploaded to YouTube. There were definitely some late nights along the way.
Actually, there were a ton of problems that arose. One day it was raining so loud that we couldn’t film, so we actually had to build a fort right here in this living room. We took these cushions and then made a fort right over here. It was kind of ridiculous - it was also kind of fun. If you are in quarantine right now, and you’re bored and you’re wondering what to do, then I challenge you to make a fort, because it was kind of fun. So, I ended up filming in this little fort that we made, and it managed to block out the sound of the rain. That’s just an example of the crazy problems that are going to arise as you attempt to bring this to life. (If you do decide to make a fort, I would love to see it – please tag me on Instagram. I’m @louisehenry.) Also, there was really nothing we could do on one day when the power cut out completely, so I actually didn’t post that day – and then I had to do two the next day.
Get Set Up To Create Video Content
The second thing that we did was make it really easy to film. We have a little room in our house where we film everything. We set up our lights, microphone and webcam, so that it was there and ready. This got rid of the barrier of setup. It can feel like it’s a huge undertaking when you have to also set up all your tech and everything, so we just left it here, set up. Anything you can do for yourself to make it even easier for you to accomplish your challenge each day, then definitely do that. I’m going to show you the room where I film all of my YouTube videos. As you can see, the microphone, lights, stand, standup desk, and webcam – everything is here – and so all I need to do is walk into the room and start filming.
Create Video Content in Batches
The next thing I did was batch a few videos at a time. Honestly, if I could do this more, I would. I’m still working on building up my stamina, so that I can just sit down and do four or five videos at a time - but I do find it really challenging. This is a much more effective way of doing things, especially as you have to get ready and do your hair and makeup etc. If you can, make the most of that - you’ll save yourself time if you’re able to batch your videos. (I have my “film days” where I actually put myself together, but the rest of the time, I’m working from home and there’s no makeup happening, and it’s great.)
Use An Online Planning Tool
The next thing I did that allowed me to complete this challenge was to map it all out in Asana. Asana is an online planning tool - it’s a project management system. Asana is one of my favorite tools. What I was able to do, in the marketing project that I have, is map out all of the video topics ahead of time. Then, on each of the different tasks, I was actually writing my bullet points for the script. This was helpful. Whenever I was feeling creative and I could actually come up with ideas, then I was writing multiple videos at a time. If you’re not using Asana yet, you should. I have a free roadmap and I’ll leave a link to that in the description below as well.
Start Outsourcing
The next thing I did was outsource. I am such a huge fan of outsourcing - I’m doing it more and more, and I will continue to keep outsourcing things. I outsourced the editing, the uploading, and the tagging and creating of thumbnails. That allowed me to do this project and actually publish that many videos in one. If you’re nervous about outsourcing, just do it. Take the leap. Start with a virtual assistant, and once you see how great it is to get some tasks off your plate, and also when you see how capable and awesome people can be, then you will be totally addicted to outsourcing like me.
Create Video Content That Has Value
The last thing I had to do was drop the perfectionism, and also decide that what I had to share was valuable. That can be one of the biggest blocks that we have. Because I was posting so many videos, some of them were quite simple, for example - but just because something is simple to you, doesn’t mean that others know about it, and that it won’t be valuable to them. I had to make that mindset shift and decide that things that I just knew, and that I could share, were valuable enough, and that that could become a video. Those were some of the things that we did right. Now let’s talk about mistakes.
Pick Your Timing
The biggest mistake that I made, hands down, was doing this in the busy season of my business. While I was filming the 30 videos, I also had to re-do my entire online course. That meant that I had so many videos to film and I was basically locked in a room and just filming all day, every day. I think I added a lot of unnecessary stress by deciding to do these things at the same time. I really did enjoy this challenge, and I would do something like this again, but I would do it in a slower season of business.
The next thing I did that really didn’t help was I would leave it until too late. If I were to do this again, I would wake up and I would just film in the morning to ensure that I got it done. There are so many different things that can come up throughout your day that are going to get in the way of your completing this challenge. As such, I added more stress onto my plate, and often towards the end of the day, it was a hot mess. A million things came up and I should have just gotten this done in the morning instead.
Finally, while I did plan, I think I could have planned more. I could have planned out all of the videos and therefore would have been able to batch more videos than I did. Next time, going back to basics - plan even more.
So that is what I did right and what I did wrong when it came to posting 30 videos in 30 days. I hope these insights were helpful for you. Now I would love to hear from you – are you going to put yourself on a challenge, and if so, what is it going to be? Let me know in the comments below. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you did like it, make sure to hit Subscribe down below. I would love to have you here, and I will see you next week with another video.
30 day video series:
Free Asana roadmap:
Descript is amazing and will make filming & editing your videos 10x faster. In this tutorial, I show you how to get started and share all my favorite features!