How to Batch Content (Beginner Batching Tips)
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Here's a few tips on batching your content, which will save you time & make the content creation process much easier!
video transcript:
How to Batch Content (Beginner Batching Tips)
Let’s talk batching content, because I had it all wrong! This is especially important because we are in the middle of a thirty-day challenge right now, where I am attempting to post one new YouTube video every day for thirty days. It would be quite stressful without the element of batching, so I thought I would walk you through how to do it the right way and talk about the biggest mistake I made when attempting to batch content.
If you’re new here, hi, I’m Louise of Here, on this channel, I talk all about online business, and, right now, I’m doing a content challenge, so I’m sharing thirty videos all about making the content creation process easier. If those are topics you are interested in, definitely hit Subscribe down below.
So, I knew about the concept of batching. Basically, batching means that you sit down and you do the same activity all in one go. You’re not context switching and you’re making the most of when you get in-flow for that specific activity.
Batch Content Days
Where I went wrong with this is I would have batch days, but I had batch days to create videos and I would attempt to tackle the entire process of creating a video. I would attempt to come up with the video idea, write it and film it, all in one day. Really, the issue there is that I was context switching a bunch between different activity types.
Set Specific Days
Instead, now what I do, is I set specific days for each of those activities. Rather than trying to do multiple videos from start-to-finish, all in one day, what I do now is have specific days for each different activity. For example, I’ll sit down and decide that I’m going to come up with video ideas - and I’m going to spend a few hours just focused on that. That is the only activity that I’m going to attempt for that day. Then, the next day is going to be my writing day, where I sit down and script all of my videos. Then I’ll have a filming day, where all I need to do is sit down, refer back to those scripts and do my filming.
I found this the most optimal way of doing it, and it’s really made creating content a lot less stressful. I think the biggest reason why is that it allows you to get in-flow for that specific activity and to stay focused on that. It was too much pressure when I was trying to cram all of it into one day.
I would highly recommend giving this a try. Have an ideas day, a writing day, a filming day, then, depending on how much you do after the filming, you might need to have an editing day and then a scheduling day where you’re scheduling all of your different videos to go out. Not only is this going to help reduce stress, but it is also going to save you time. For example, when you sit down to film, of course there’s some work that goes in ahead of this. I have to do my hair, makeup, get dressed into real clothes, and not just stay working in my pajamas. All of those steps, ideally, you just do once, and then you take advantage of that time that you spent doing your hair and makeup and you film as many videos as you possibly can.
Batch Content Quantity
Let’s talk quantity now. I think it really depends on where you are at in your content creation process and how experienced you are with it. At first, I found batching really difficult and quite tiring, so, really, I could just do two videos at a time. Now I can go up to four and I’m pretty happy with that. On a really good day, I could do six – but it’s something that we can build up to. Even if you can’t do that many on the filming day, I do think that you’ll find the ideas day and the writing day a lot easier to do.
Theme Your Days
I’ve actually themed out my days for myself in Asana, so that I know that Tuesdays are my writing days, and Wednesdays are my creation days where I’m doing any filming that I have to do. This has been really helpful to actually set it in my schedule, so I know what I need to do. In terms of the idea creation, that’s not a full day, but you can block that off and know when you’re going to do that each week.
I highly recommend that you give this a try and that you theme your days or time-block activities all together in one. You’ll be able to do more and more as you go. The real benefit here is then you know that your content is taken care of and you’re not worried about it every single day or every single week. Really, we want to get ahead of ourselves as much as possible, so that we’re not creating our content last-minute, and then therefore we can do it in a more creative, less stressed way.
I hope this video helps you with your batching process. Give it a try and then let me know in the comments how it went for you. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked this video, let me know by giving it a thumbs up. Don’t forget to hit Subscribe and I’ll see you soon with another video.
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