How to Start an Online Coaching Business with Reese of Yes Supply
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Here are 5 steps to creating a successful online coaching business with Reese of Yes Supply.
video transcript:
How to Start an Online Coaching Business with Reese of Yes Supply
Welcome back to my channel. If you’re new here, my name is Louise of (formerly Solopreneursidekick). This channel is all about helping you create a successful online business, so if that is something you’re looking to do, definitely hit Subscribe down below and hit that Bell icon as well so that you never miss a video.
Today is extra special because I have the incredible Reese of Yes Supply here, and she is going to share with us how to create a successful online coaching business. Reese is a really good friend of mine and I thought she would be the perfect person to come and talk with you about this and about how you can get started. Reese is incredible at what she does, and I knew she would be the perfect person to come and chat with you about this.
I know that there are so many of you out there that really want to start an online business. You love the idea of the freedom, the flexibility, and, most importantly, being in charge of your own life, but you’re not quite sure what business you could start with your skills as they are right now. I thought this could be a really good option for some of you out there, so that’s why I wanted to bring Reese on to come and talk to you. With that said, over to Reese. She’s going to share with you five steps so that you can create your own online coaching business. She’s done it herself, she’s helped many many clients do it as well, so she’s the perfect person to learn from.
Reese: Hello to Louise and hello to the Community. Thank you so much for having me here on your channel. I’m so excited to support you and answer your biggest questions about becoming an online coach. I just got off a call with Louise, and started recording this for you, figuring out what are some of your questions and what do you want to know - and on the day of recording this, my company has just made $10,000 - just today. We are doing an incredible sale until the 15th where we’re going to show you everything that you need to know about becoming an online coach with the Yes Supply Method, so if you want to learn more Louise has a ton of great links for you below, including access to a masterclass where I show you five steps to becoming a six-figure coach - lots of really great stuff for you.
I’m so excited to be here with you. A big question that people have right now is, how do you become an online coach? I honestly believe that, out of all of the online business models right now, coaching is just so incredible. With a product-based business, it’s great, but you have to deal with manufacturers. One of my friends actually has a product-based business and she’s dealing with a lot of headaches right now because there are a bunch of delays happening before Christmas, so that’s a little bit stressful. With services, even though services are great, you’re always going to be trading your time for money. But, as a coach, you have the opportunity to leverage your time and leverage your income because you can create passive income, you can create courses and you can do group coaching where you can help hundreds of people all at the same time. I think having an online coaching business is one of the best paths that you can take – especially if you’re somebody who wants to help people - you want to feel good about the work that you do, and you want to serve in a powerful way.
Today I’m going to be talking to you about five steps to take to start your online coaching business.
Step #1 – Mindset
The very first one starts with your mindset. I tell my coaches all the time that I am my own best client. When I wake up in the morning, I check my body, I see how I feel, I do a meditation, I journal out my goals, I do a gratitude list – I switch it up - sometimes I stretch. I read every single morning. I do a lot of different things because I know, as a coach, what’s going to magnetize my six-figure months and what’s going to magnetize incredible clients to work with is my energy.
If you’re somebody who loves mindset rituals, you love journaling in the morning and you love getting into the right energy, becoming a coach is right for you. If you’re somebody who has a story – maybe you’ve overcome something, maybe you have had a health story or journey that you’ve gone through, or a relationship - you manifested your dream partner - or you want to help people create more money in abundance or more success, or you want to help people find their passion or purpose, there are thousands and thousands of people out there, right now, looking for someone like you who is caring, who is kind, who is ambitious, who wants to help them. There are so many people out there looking for coaches like you to serve them. It really starts with your mindset and believing in yourself.
No matter where you are – whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been doing it for years - all you have to do is help people who are a few steps behind you. So, if you’re focused on service, you’re going to be in a great place to become a coach.
Step #2 – Love Your Product
My next step for you is having a product that you’re in love with. Have you ever read a book that just absolutely changed your life, and after you read this book you were telling your friends, your sister, your dog, your mom, everyone around you, you’ve got to read this book, this is the best book in the world, this book changed my life? – you want to get to that point with your product.
Inside my program, the Yes Supply Method Coaching Certification, I teach you deep tools to work with the subconcious mind and universal laws of manifestation to help people create the lives that they want. I can tell you that, once you learn these tools, you are going to absolutely fall in love with them. You’re going to wonder how you went through your whole life without knowing them. When you take these tools and you implement them into your coaching program, into your offering, into your services, you’re going to have a program that you want to tell everyone about - just like that favorite book that you read.
Think about that – whatever business you’re growing, whether it’s an online coaching business or any business online, you have to create a program or product that you love, love, love, because then when you’re selling, it doesn’t even feel like selling – it’s just like telling a friend about your favorite book or a movie that you loved.
Step #3 – Show Up
My next step for you is showing up every single day. As a coach, when people are working with you, they’re working with you, for you. They want to be around you. They love your confidence, they love your vibe, they love your energy, so like I said Step #1 is get to the vibe that you want to be in, and then Step #3 is showing up in that vibe. If you’re waking up every day and staying focused on how do you want to feel, how do you want to be, what are your goals, what do you want to accomplish, and you share that with the world – whether it’s posting behind the scenes of your life on Instagram or maybe you have a YouTube channel like Louise and I do or a Facebook group – whatever it is, it’s all about making sure that you show up.
Here’s the thing as well. You don’t necessarily have to show up every single day – you could have an ad strategy that is getting your message out there for you, or you could film just a couple of videos a week and have your team repurpose them for you, or maybe you repurpose them for you – the main thing to remember is, are you showing up, are you helping, are you teaching, are you building relationships, and are you building credibility? If you’re consistent with that, and then you’re inviting people to your program or service, you’re going to have an online coaching business that just completely blows up and helps so many people.
Step #4 – Look at Your Results
My next tip for you is to always look at your results. This is something that a lot of people forget. They just hear one person say, you need chatbots to be successful, and another person say you need YouTube to be successful, another person says this, another person says that – often times we can get so caught up launching the podcast, the YouTube, and doing all this stuff that actually isn’t going to get us results. I’ve had so many clients get to six figures just from doing livestreams, just from keeping it super simple. Don’t think that you have to be everywhere or be everything to everyone.
The key thing is about looking at your results. When you look at what you’ve done so far – what has been working for you? - do more of that. What are the sales activities and money-making activities that you can do to drive people to your programs that will transform lives? Look at your results, focus on what’s working, do more of that; focus on what’s not working, and do less of that - and honestly that’s what I’ve done. Just constantly looking at my results, taking the information in, learning, teaching myself, investing in courses, investing in coaches or courses that I connect with and resonate with, and just growing and growing, looking at my results.
Step #5 – Don’t Give Up
Another key thing too is, when you look at your results, don’t take them personally. If you’re looking at your bank account and it’s not exactly where it is that you want to be, it has nothing to do with your worth. You are inherently worthy. Abundance is your birthright. You are born to have whatever it is that you want, and the reason why you have your desires is because your desires want you as well. If you’re not seeing the results that you want, again, it’s nothing personal, it’s just that maybe you need to communicate what it is that you sell, or what it is that you do, a little bit better so people can understand it and see what’s in it for them.
Just keep focusing on your results and be consistent. I see way too many people who have incredible work to share with the world, an incredible story, give up too soon. Again, if you feel deep down in your heart that you are meant to do this, if you feel deep down in your heart that you’re watching this video for a reason, then stay consistent.
There’s been so many times when I first started that it was hard, it was tough. Things didn’t always look like it was working out, but now I look back and I’m so grateful that I didn’t give up. I have an incredible team, I help incredible people, businesses growing so much every day. It’s all about being consistent and focusing on how do you want to help people and what do you want to serve?
Thank you so much for having me. I hope these tips helped you. If you have any other questions about starting an online coaching business, leave them below in the comments. Louise is going to give you a link to my Yes Supply Method Certification, which we have on sale until only December 15th, where you can get $1000 off our live training and $500 off our online training. When you join the online training, or live training, you get access to all of our online content, plus bonuses on how to grow your Instagram, how to launch your first group coaching program, how to start writing your Facebook ads, how to help your clients deeper, how to map out your first six-figure year in 2020, and the list goes on. I’m so excited to help you and serve you, and let’s make 2020 your absolute year of Yes. Again, if you want to learn more from me, you can head to and checkout my website or follow along on my journey on Instagram @yessupply. Thank you once again for having me on your channel. I’m so grateful to be here and I will talk to you guys soon.
Louise: Thank you so much for watching this video about starting an online coaching business. Thank you again to Reese for coming and being a guest. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Let us know if you have any questions down below in the comments. If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up and don’t forget to hit Subscribe. I’ll see you soon with another video.
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