My Top 6 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website
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How do we get people to visit our websites?! Watch this video and I will tell you my top 6 ways on how to drive traffic to your website!
video transcript:
My Top 6 Ways on How to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Welcome back to my channel. In today’s video, I want to share with you my favorite ways on how to drive traffic to your website. Once you’ve created a gorgeous, professional website for your business, then your top priority will become driving traffic to your website. By traffic, I just mean getting visitors or new people to come and check out your website.
If you’re new here, I’m Louise of (formerly Solopreneursidekick). I put out new videos every single week, all to help you create a successful online business. So, if that is what you’re in the process of doing, or you’re dreaming about it, definitely hit Subscribe down below and hit that Bell icon as well, so that you get notified every time I post a new video.
Let’s dive into my favorite ways on how to drive traffic to your website.
#1 – Create High-Value Content
The first way is one that I talk about a lot, and that is creating high-value content that you share on your website in the form of a blog. There are a lot of different reasons for doing this – it’s going to build up credibility and authority in your space. It’s also going to give you an opportunity to drive traffic from Google.
What’s really important with this phase is that you learn SEO – search engine optimization – so that you can figure out what people are searching for and then you can write content about that.
With this type of content, it doesn’t just have to be written. You could also do video or audio as well – just make sure that, from an SEO perspective, you do have some written content that accompanies it and summarizes what is in the video or audio file. By doing this, you’re giving your website a chance to rank in Google and this could be a huge source of traffic your way.
This is something that I will be personally focusing more on in 2020, because I’ve come to realize the value of organic traffic and popping up and answering someone’s question right as they are looking for it. So, number one, create high-value content and make sure that you learn proper SEO strategies so that you give it a chance to rank on Google.
#2 – Social Media
The next way on how to drive traffic to your website is to take advantage of this fantastic free marketing tool that we have available to us – and that is social media. Whether you want to be on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter – these are all great tools that you can use to drive traffic back to your site.
Anytime you create that high-value content that we just talked about, you can share it out on social media and drive traffic that way. What I would recommend that you do, is repurpose that content that you’re creating, for social media. For example, if you’re doing videos, you can share little clips of it that link back to the main video on your website. I feel like you just need to remember to use social media as much as you can when you do create this content or you have an offer on your website – you just need to remember to link back on social media often. I think a big mistake that we make is we’ll often just share it out once on social media and assume that people will see it. Think of different ways that you can share it out. For example, if you’re using Instagram, you’re going to want to post about that content that you’ve just created on your stories, in your feed, possibly IGTV, and really make the most of this tool.
#3 - Pinterest
The third way on how to drive traffic to your website is often lumped in with social media, but I would say that it’s more of a search engine. This tool is a secret weapon for a lot of my entrepreneur friends, and that is Pinterest. You can drive a lot of organic traffic to your website using Pinterest. What’s really great about it is it’s more of a longterm strategy. Once you put a pin up into the world of Pinterest, it can be re-pinned and reshared over and over, and it directly links back to your website. For that reason, I really do love Pinterest, and I have someone on my team who focuses on this platform specifically. It’s also more of a search engine because that’s how people are using it. They are going to the search bar and they are typing in topics, looking for information and inspiration. Definitely take advantage of this tool.
#4 – Email List
The fourth way on how to drive traffic to your website is to email your list every time you have some new high-value content. I’ve talked about building an email list before, and how important I think it is, but this is a really great source of traffic. These are all people that are interested in your topic and want to hear from you when you have new content. So, make sure that you are utilizing your email list, and building one on a consistent basis.
#5 - Collaborations
The next one is collabs, and this is hands-down one of the best ways to increase exposure to your business and drive more clicks back to your website. This can take a lot of different forms. This could be that you go to another person’s audience and you offer a free webinar to them. This could be a guest post on another blog. I definitely recommend that you build relationships in your industry with people that are doing complementary things, and you can all help each other grow. This is something I have done a lot, and it always brings a lot of traffic to our websites when we are all collaborating.
#6 – Paid Advertising
The final way on how to drive traffic to your website is through paid advertising. If you’re not getting enough traffic yet through the organic methods that we just discussed, then you can definitely turn to advertising. You have a bunch of different options. You can do Pinterest ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads – the list continues. Definitely you can give that a try. I have been using Facebook ads quite a bit in my business. Overall though, I would say give the organic marketing methods that we just talked about a try first, and make sure that your offer or freebie is proven first, before paying for traffic. After you’ve done that, then you can definitely experiment with this way as well.
Those are the ways that I am currently driving traffic in my business. Hopefully this has given you some ideas and things to try. I will be going more in-depth on these in future videos, so definitely make sure that you are subscribed.
Now, I would love to hear from you. Let me know in the comments the top ways that you are driving traffic to your website. If you do not have a website yet and you need to create one, definitely sign up for the free challenge that I’m hosting next week. It’s called Design Your Client-Winning Website. I’m so excited. We are going to design your website together, live, over 5 days. This is going to be a blast, so I hope to see you there.
If you liked this video, let me know by giving it a thumbs up, and I’ll see you soon with another video.
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