5 Tips for your Ecommerce Website

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Learn 5 tips for your ecommerce website. Watch the video tutorial here!

Today I'm going to share with you five tips for your ecommerce website.

Watch the video here or read the text below!

First, I want to explain why this topic is on my mind. It is because my Mom and my Aunt officially became entrepreneurs and launched their very own company, Chain Readers! They've created a brand new innovative product - reading glasses that fold into a necklace 🤓

This is so awesome because if you know anyone who wears reading glasses, they're always losing them. They probably have like ten pairs lying around the house, and it's really frustrating when they go to a restaurant and all they want to do is read the menu for a second!

This product completely solves that problem and I'm so proud of them. They've been working on this idea for years and they officially shared it and got so much amazing feedback! Everybody's loving it and they've already been getting sales too. I did help them with their website and that's why today I am going to explain my five tips for an e-commerce website!

1. You have to have quality photos.

This is super important, so what we did was we hire my biz BFF, Gillian at Sounds Like Yellow Photography. She's so talented and captured the exact look of the brand that we are going for.

You're going to want product photos on a white background, but you're also going to want to show the product on a person and how it's worn, as well as a few styled shots that you can share across your website and on social media. It's really important that you invest in this area and that your photos look professional, that they're high-resolution, really good quality, and do your product justice.

Chain Readers 1.png
Chain Readers 2.png

2. Have a product demo video/promo video.

If it is a brand new product like this one, then I highly recommend having a product demo or explainer video. My partner is actually a really talented videographer, which comes in handy! We were able to get him to produce this amazing video for us, and that's something that we've placed right on the home page so that people can understand exactly what the product is right away.

3. Make sure your shipping information is clear.

Make sure your customer does not need to go searching for shipping information. On this site, we put a bar across the top of the site explaining that there's free shipping for Canada and the US.

4. Focus on the benefit the product brings to the consumer.

In multiple places on the homepage, we explained what the benefit is. We have "never be without your reading glasses again" and then down below we have "no more lost or forgotten readers, no more fumbling around in your purse, no more wearing them on your head, no more glasses in every room."

Chain Readers 3.png

5. Answer any questions that a customer could have.

Next, you want to help the customer get over any hesitations that they could have before purchasing your product. We've tried to answer as many questions as we can on the home page and we also added an FAQ page in the top menu so that people can easily find this information.

Those are my five tips for your e-commerce website! I would love to see your website once you've created it, so definitely leave that for me in the comments below 👇

My mom and aunt's new company is brand-new so I would appreciate any support if you like this idea! Share it out and if you know someone who needs reading glasses definitely let them know! chainreaders.com 



Louise Henry

I’m the founder of an online education company. Now, I’m building the non-profit, Tim’s Club - inspired by my younger brother Tim.


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