Day 25

It's Day 25 of our Audience Accelerator ✨

Only 5 more days to go in the challenge! 

Today, we're going to recreate this reel.

The purpose of this reel is to encourage your audience to take action, and to show them what they may be missing out on by not taking action towards their goal or ideal transformation.


Here's how to create it:

1. Grab any clip you have on your phone, or use a stock video from Canva or Pexels!

2. Open this reel > click on the audio > click "use audio"

3. Add text on top:

What I would have missed if I didn’t go for it: 

-[something you would have missed out on had you not gotten started in your topic]

-[something you would have missed out on had you not gotten started in your topic]

-[something you would have missed out on had you not gotten started in your topic]

E.g. What I would have missed if I didn’t go for it: 

- Time and freedom to travel and build my dream life

- Helping over 1000 entrepreneurs with their online business

- Making sales in my sleep, or when spending time with friends and family

- Getting to do something that genuinely makes me happy every day 

E.g. What I would have missed if I didn’t go for it: 

- Feeling strong and healthy enough to spend time with my friends and family 

- Reclaiming hours of time from not procrastinating going to the gym 

- An incredibly supportive community 

- Less stress in my life

4. In the caption, talk to your client about how they might be holding themselves back if they aren’t taking action towards their ideal transformation.

Either share common objections you see come up in your niche (and what you would suggest to help get unstuck from these limiting beliefs), or, share the story about how you got started, and what inspired you to take action and get out of your own way (if you felt you were holding yourself back).

Using that, lead into a CTA that encourages the reader to get unstuck by downloading your free training for the first steps 💛

Louise Henry

I’m the founder of an online education company. Now, I’m building the non-profit, Tim’s Club - inspired by my younger brother Tim.

Day 26


Day 24