Day 20

It's Day 20 of our Audience Accelerator ✨

You're doing great so far! πŸš€

Today, we're going to recreate this reel. 

This is a fun way to show your audience a result, outcome or transformation that you're excited about (and one that they could achieve with your support!). 


Here's how to create it: 

1. Take a video of yourself texting on your phone or typing on your computer - or find a similar stock video using Canva or Pexels.


2. Open this reel > click on the audio > click "use audio"

3. Add text on screen:

Texting all of my friends [insert an engaging or controversial β€˜text’ that you would send about your topic]

(Tip πŸ’‘Use the typewriter font so that it seems like your text is typing out as they read!) 

E.g. Texting all of my friends to let them know that they can create more freedom in their schedule by packaging up their skills into an online course 

E.g. Texting all of my friends to let them know that they can save time AND get better grades if they created a study plan 

E.g. Texting all of my friends to let them know that they can move the needle with their health goals without a gym membership

4. In the caption, we’re just explaining a bit more about what we’re sharing in our reel. Expand on this, and how this works. At the end for a CTA, encourage your audience to sign up for your free training to learn more or to hit follow for more inspo on this topic!

Louise Henry

I’m the founder of an online education company. Now, I’m building the non-profit, Tim’s Club - inspired by my younger brother Tim.

Day 21


Day 19