Day 1

We're going to do an intro post ✅ 

Here is the inspo for the video we're creating! 

Here's how to create it: 

1. Find a clip that you already have on your phone of you (This can be anything - doing something you love, drinking your morning coffee, you walking your dog, or doing something that is related to your niche). 

2. Open this reel on your phone (within the Instagram app). Click on the audio > click "use audio"

3. Add your video clip 

4. Add the text onto the video: 

“Hi, I’m [name]

I [what you do]

[Why you do what you do]

Follow along - I’d love to show you how to [ideal outcome of what you teach” 

For example: 

Hi, I’m Louise 👋

I help business owners create a more leveraged, passive online biz through systems and automation. 

I’m passionate about supporting you as you bring your big dreams to life, and helping you work smarter, not harder (from the beach!)

Follow along for inspiration on how to make sales in your sleep 💤 

5. In the caption, elaborate on this.

Remember, some of your followers may be new and may not know anything about you or what you teach (specifically). Having an introduction post is a great way to build connection with your audience and show them what type of content they’ll find by sticking around your channel(s).

End the post by sharing that they can learn more about this with your free training, and direct them to sign up for that.

Don't forget to add hashtags! 

Louise Henry

I’m the founder of an online education company. Now, I’m building the non-profit, Tim’s Club - inspired by my younger brother Tim.

Day 2